Saturday, January 31, 2009

$7.98 of fun

It was finally warm enough to put the boys in the snow suits and get them outside. Lucky as the suits just fit. $7.98 isn't bad for the brown suit Auntie Kimmie gave us. Worth one time in the snow. I think the blue one was from Auntie Di that Fig wore once too. OH thankgoodness for hand-me-downs.

Better With Sound

We tried out the video mode on our camera. Too bad it doesn't get the sound too. Here was Lincs talking. (video only)

It Hurts So Good?

Andy and I wanted to do something good for our community so we decided that we would start donating blood since it's one thing that we could do with the boys. However should my arm really look like this afterwards? Oh and to think I get to do it again in 8 week! Hope my arm heals by then.

I'll Get You My Pretty...

Oh how I love little baby socks...

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The newest members of the family. Tic and Tac.

Not Just for Children

Today during lunch today I ran to Target to do an errand. As I was driving I was enjoying the Cd that happened to be playing. Bopping along all was good. Got to Target picked up what I needed and started to head back to work. It wasn't till I was halfway back that I realized I'd been listening to the babies Lullaby RadioHead CD the entire time. The really funny thing is it's in the car that the kids can't even fit in! Apparently it's that good or else I'm losing it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Scratch That

Did we say Mr C had a tooth? Scratch that make it two. Twoofers!!!! They grow like weeds.

You're Soaking In It

Men can get dish pan hands too. Who knew!  Oh he's going to make someone a good wife one of these days.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday Night Entertainment

I remember when entertainment on a saturday night was dinner and a movie. Instead we decided to see how the boys would react to cereal for the first time.

Lincs wasn't too sure about it....

And for Mr C it was like a duck to water...

Ah cheap entertainment.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Do these make me look effeminate?

I like the theory of these leg warmers, but I'm not sure they were meant for little boys. The pose isn't helping there Lincs. Thanks auntie Kimmie.

The Formula Fairy Stopped by

So yesterday I came home to a huge box with two cases of these:

There wasn't a note and it looks like to came directly from the manufacturer. We have no idea why we wouold be getting it, but we're not kicking a gift horse in the mouth. All I can think is the formula fairy stopped by. Now if that free trip to Hawaii fairy shows up at your house would you send her our way? Thanks.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Added Benefit

Looking around the house this morning I'm realizing the added benefit of having a cleaning person. My house not only gets cleaned, but it's organized. All of the clutter that we let build up gets put away every other week. It's great. I know what your going to say, your house is so small how why do you have a cleaning person? Well with the boys it's hard to find time to relax let alone clean. A few weeks ago after the dust bunnies were rolling past my feet I couldn't take it anymore. Luckily since our house is so small we can afford him to come every other week and help us out. And let me tell you there is nothing better than realizing saturday morning that I don't have to spend my weekend cleaning. Now if only we could get that grocery delivery out here in the sticks....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

If You're in the Neighborhood...

This Sunday The Current is doing an awesome event of music for kids called Rock the Cradle and it's all FREE. I can't wait for the boys to get a little bit bigger so we can take them. 

Taking Handsie to a Whole new Level

Oh Mr C just can't keep his hands to himself. Poor Linc so calm. One of these days he's going to reach out and slug him.

Monday, January 19, 2009

It's there really it is....

Cooper cut his first tooth this weekend. Here's our attempt trying to get a picture.

well it's there. Guess you're going to have to trust us.

Nothing like a new hat to make you smile!

The boys were made these fabulous hats by a very talented friend and they love them! Thanks auntie Di. They look so cute.


Welcome to our new blog! I thought we'd start this little blog to let our friends and family, and anyone else wandering the internet know about the exciting and not so exciting happenings over here in Minnesota. We're hoping to keep it up-to-date on the events of our twins boys for all of those who are not close enough to see them and hear about their daily adventures. Hope you enjoy!

Christie, Moo, Linc and Mr C.

Monday, January 5, 2009