Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Little Einstein

Can you say crazy hair? Looks like someone's going to need a haircut before he turns one.

Walk this way....

New walk behind toy is a hit. Although it's more of a stand behind and fall down toy. But we're working on it.

New way to sleep

Cooper fell alseep this way the other night.


Nope not mice....just two boys. Guess I didn't need that coupon afterall. Thanks for saving mommy money boys.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

No More Bottom Shelf

Looks like the bottom shelf of the changing table is off limits for storage. Why do we have toys again when diapers are just as fun to play with?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Save The Date

I can't believe that the boys will be one already! Where does the time go? So save the date: Saturday September 5th, 2009 for their first birthday party! More details to come and invites in the mail in a few weeks. Just wanted to give everyone the heads up.

Friday, July 3, 2009

We feed ourselves

We'll kind-of. Avocado a little too much fun to play with than eat.

Yummy Rice

Went for sushi and fed the boys with chop sticks. They actually really liked the noodles and rice.

More Room

We finally had to give in and get a new car since the bigger car seats don't fit.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Privacy goes out the window...

Well the days of going to the bathroom alone is out the window. Guess we're going to have to start really closing the door. Luckily they can't reach the knobs just yet.